Life. Remembered. Shared.
Adventure Travel Stories and Memoirs by Elisabeth Weigand
Yukon River Expediting
Yukon River Expedition. A 3.200 kilometer long canoe trip down the majestic Yukon River from its origin at Marsh Lake, Yukon all the way to the Bering Sea in Alaska. Three months when we paddled through Canada and all of Alaska. Meeting with amazing indigenous people, passing through wild landscapes and running safely into wildlife.
Not a trip, but a journey, for sure.
Available in German.
Sieben Monate Weisse Einsamkeit
Sieben Monate Weisse Einsamkeit. The story of a 7 month long winter in a remote and simple cabin in the Coast Mountains regions. Building the cabin from raw material and staying from October until April the next year, completely cut off from civilization, changed us foever.
Available in German.
Scatter my Ashes
Aa heart-wrenching tribute to the life of Mabel Brewster (1935-2015), whom I met upon my immigration to Canada’s Yukon Territory in 1993. Through a stunning retelling of life in the remote north that is at once spellbinding, light-hearted, beautiful, and heartbreaking, the reader is transported to the last untamed frontier—where raw nature reigns supreme and true friendship never dies.
Available in English.
When we walked on Frozen Rivers
Frozen Rivers takes people to one of the purest places in Canada’s northern landscape: A distant fly-in trapline where she and her partner spend the first of their winters understanding and exercising traditional life skills, adjusting to nature’s regulations and discovering the bliss of shared seclusion and the satisfaction when less is more. Each chapter is steeped in the author’s love of wilderness, her desire for adventure and her familiar intimacy with the land
Available in English.
Praise for
Scatter my Ashes
in the fields up top
Here is a portrait of Mabel Brewster, a woman of the Yukon mountains, a patient, complicated, one-of-a-kind resilient person whose passions included horses, travel through those mountains, and friendship. Ms. Weigand delights us by putting us into the picture, perhaps on our own mounts, following Mabel into a snowy wilderness. The book is lovely and a great addition to Yukon literature and story!
Claudia Coutu Radmore, author of Arctic Twilight; Leonard Budgell and the Changing North
Elizabeth writes with and from her heart. With humor and a candid dawning awareness of the northern wilderness lifestyle, she delivers an entertaining memoir of a journey of learning with and from her closest friend.
John Firth, award-winning author of Yukon Quest: The 1000-mile sled dog race between Fairbanks and Whitehorse.
In many individual, diverse, adventurous, and moving short stories Elisabeth Weigand describes in an eloquent and impressive way the tough life in the northern wilderness of the Yukon Territory. In such a deserted northern landscape interpersonal relationships are vital. From human to human as well as from human to animal as shown in Weigand’s relationship to Mabel Brewster and horse Amigo.
A recommendable and touching reading which highlights the rough beauty of the Yukon and at the same time the memory of her strong-willed friend, Mabel Brewster.
Holger Bergold, Bergold Promotions, General Sales Agent for Tourism Yukon, German-Speaking Europe
An entertaining look at Elisabeth’s adventures with her horse Amigo and the development of an unlikely friendship, of the kindred spirit type, with my Mom, Mabel. She tells of their many grand adventures on horseback as well as afoot in the Kluane area! They traveled far and wide, and it was never without excitement when accompanying Mabel Brewster in the backcountry. We come across really special people in our lives and Mabel was this to many, so it is awesome that Elisabeth is sharing this friendship with us all through recounts of their horse dealings and travels. Her memoirs will jog memories and laughs for the many people that Mabel guided in her time.
Marilyn Brewster, daughter of Mabel
Yukon River Expedition
- Can$30.50
- EURO: 21.80
- US$: 34.00
ISBN: 3-8334-4507-6
Pages: 261
Mit Getoese zerissen die Felsen das rauschende Wasser, als dieses sich aufbaeumte, ueberschlug und wieder zurueckprallte. Eine der schaumgekroenten Wellen packte das Kanu, riss es empor und stuerzte es in das naechste Wellental. Der erste Brecher schlug ueber den Bug. Fuer eine Sekunde war ich wie gelaehmt, unterbrach das kraftvolle Durchziehen des Paddels. Ich war nass bis zur Huefte, und die Ladung schwamm im Bootsrumpf.
Order here:
Sieben Monate
Weisse Einsamkeit
- Can$30.50
- EURO: 21.80
- US$: 34.00
ISBN: 9-783837-016918
Pages: 151
Das Buschflugzeug ist laengst abgeflogen. Es laesst uns zurueck in den einsamen Taelern der kanadischen Coast Mountains. Sieben Monate Winter liegen vor uns. Sieben fremde und spannende Monate. Um uns erstrecken sich endlosen Weiten and Eis und Schnee, zugefrorene Fluesse und tiefverschneite Paesse. Es gibt nur uns zwei – und eine Huette, die wir im Herbst bauten. Ein Abenteuer beginnt, das unbekannter nicht sein kann. Ohne Kontakt zur Aussenwelt tauchen wir ein in ein Leben urspruenglichster Einsamkeit und finden die Moeglichkeit in einer Weise zueinander zu finden, die es so nirgendwo sonst geben kann.
Das Abenteuer beginnt.
Um uns und in uns.